It's been a good weekend! (Even though I didn't do any sewing.)
Hubby's brother and family came up for a visit on Friday evening, and took us out for dinner to a local place new to all of us called "Einstein's Cafe" to celebrate Hubby's Half-Century birthday.
Yesterday, we went out for breakfast, and had a little walk around the neighbourhood. In the afternoon, we took a drive in the country and visited Fergus and Orangeville. Downtown Orangeville is very pretty. Lots of tea rooms, bakeries, book shops, thrift stores. I'm surprised I'd never been there before! Couldn't find a quilt store though (sigh).
Today we were just bums - - puttering around the apartment, doing this and that. I've got a big week at work ahead of me - I don't think I have a single empty slot in my appointment book! Tomorrow morning I'm doing a presentation for 40 people, and in the afternoon seeing two clients, and then two meetings to talk about the newest discussion paper from the Commission for the Review of Social Assistance in Ontario.
Now that I think about it - - I sort of DID do some sewing this weekend . I did MENDING!!! Itty Bitty needed a pocket on a hoodie fixed, and Hubby needed a pocket inside a jacket stitched back up. EW! MENDING!!!
Funny...doing nothing is so tiring! I'd like to go to bed, but have to stay up to watch one of our favourite shows: Downton Abbey on PBS. We adore Dame Maggie Smith as the Dowager Countess Grantham!