For example, I just read a chapter about Anna Freud, and what she had to say about defence mechanisms, but just before that I read a chapter in another book, all about what a bunch of whack-jobs the Freud family was, and had been for several generations (which was the whole point of the chapter - to show that dysfunction can repeat in patterns through generations). In one book, I'm reading all about the CASW Code of Ethics (uh...AGAIN, for like the billionth time in the last two years!), and in another how the 2005 Code is a fluffy piece of neo-conservative crap compared to the 1994 Code, which defined the values of social work as humanitarian and egalitarian.
Not a stitch of sewing this week. In fact, my sewing machine "Lucy" still has not even been plugged in. Her cover is still on! I'm hoping to plough through a bunch more reading tonight, and have a chunk of time tomorrow to sew.