Thursday, December 31, 2009
Peace and Plenty
Grateful Heart Sampler
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Things I'm Musing About...

McCall's reckons this pattern is suitable for a "Confident Beginner"...and Santa also gave me a nice collection of FQs from Moda's Louisa line by Terry Thompson
The cutting and piecing for each block is presented individually, so the quilt takes up 22 pages in the issue. I think I'll enjoy sharpening my piecing skills with these traditional blocks.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Just a few days left
Saturday, December 26, 2009
I could use some opinions...

By the way, I used a Mary Engelbreit's Baskets of Flowers jelly roll. The applique flowers look soooooo M.E. -- and I used a 2.5" circle for the flower centres rather than 3" centres Natalia used in hers, and centred them, to make them even more M.E. like.

Thursday, December 24, 2009
no...seriously...holidays ROCK!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Yeah...holidays ROCK!
Gotta tell you....I'm NOT a Tarantino fan. Blood, guts, and gore is not among the things I enjoy. This is definitely NOT family friendly. But it was SUCH a good story, and Brad Pitt was fantastic as Lt. Aldo Raine.

Elsewhere in Europe, Lieutenant Aldo Raine (Brad Pitt) organizes a group of Jewish soldiers to engage in targeted acts of retribution. Known to their enemy as "The Basterds," Raine's squad joins German actress and undercover agent Bridget Von Hammersmark (Diane Kruger) on a mission to take down the leaders of The Third Reich. Fates converge under a cinema marquee, where Shosanna is poised to carry out a revenge plan of her own.
The ultimate scene is ...oh...I can't even tell you...
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Another Day of Stitching

I've been wanting to try to make these blocks, which was inspired by a quilt that I saw on Lisa Boyer's blog Dorky Homemade Quilts. I decided to go ahead and make a saw tooth border as I go. I'm using bright nickels (5" charms) from my stash

Thursday, December 17, 2009
Some more blocks

I was also able to cut two more of the pastel Spinning Four Patch blocks (the ones I made last night, not today) out of scraps, so now I have 24 blocks. That should be a nice size: 4 blocks by 6 blocks. I've had a very creative day!
I forgot to tell you about my bra story if you have no idea what the Oprah bra is : Here's a link! She did a show all about her favourite bra, and bra fitting make-overs.
Of course, I pulled right in, because there is nothing I hate more in this world than brassieres, but if OPRAH says it's good, it must be good.
I tried on a couple, with the help of a "certified bra fitter" - but the Oprah bra didn't work for me. I kind of fell between cup sizes - one was too small, and the next had big gaps. So the CBF handed me another type of bra and told me to try it, although it wasn't Oprah certified.
It was LOVELY! It fit beautifully, and felt so comfortable. I asked the CBF if she had any more like that one, because I'd like to take a couple. She said no, but would be happy to order a few more for me. I told her I'd try this one out, and call if I wanted her to go to the trouble of ordering more.
Fully dressed, and out to the desk to pay for my purchase, I didn't even blink (let alone laugh in her face, or FAINT!!!) when she said: "That will be $145." I acted like I bought a $145 bra every day of my life.
Later that night, I was at a Christmas party with the staff from the nursing home where I used to work, and I took a few outside to look at my new car. On our way back, I told them all about my new bra.
One girl (after she quit laughing at me) said: "Oh my gosh! You must have won the lottery! How could you afford a new car, AND a $145 bra?!?!?"
ME: I'm making payments on the BRA!
I think I like holidays

(Note to BQF Gail: I got these 14 blocks out of the extra scraps, I haven't cut into the big chunk yet. I did what you said I couldn't now we know ANOTHER trick!)

I did go out this afternoon, to get groceries. But as soon as I got home, the bra came off and it was time for a NAP!
I also have six more Black & White blocks partly done (the QSTs, and HSTs) and ready to whip up together.
QNIC: Quilting Night in Canada
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Three more blocks, and a "green" tip

Monday, December 14, 2009
I'm on Ho! Ho! Ho! Holidays!!!!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Just waiting for the stupid library to open....
Lectures are done for the semester. And I have all of my essays written with the exception of one. I'm pretty sure I can whip it together in about five or six hours - - if I could just get into that library!!!
SAILOR BOY is home!!! He arrived yesterday morning. I can't say I've seen much of him - - since I was still buried under a pile of paper writing, writing, writing.
But one thing I did notice - - Gibby Kitty never came to visit me ONCE last night. He had a NEW person to irritate with middle of the night demands for attention.
I will have to go to school again tomorrow to hand in my final papers, but after that??? I'M RETIRED!!! I am spending every possible second doing whatever I darn well please for the next three weeks! maybe I'm not. I am (supposed to be) starting a practicum placement at a very big high school in January. I'm really excited about it - - it's a fantastic opportunity!!! I asked my (potential) supervisor if there was anything I should brush up on before I start, and she suggested I get a good grounding in adolescent anxiety, depression, and self-harm/cutting. And if I have some time, I might want to get a deeper understanding of issues of poverty, addiction, GLBT, and mental illness.
Did you notice the 'tentativeness' of my last paragraph? That's because it's not etched in stone yet - and I don't want to jinx it! As challenging as it appears - - I can't wait!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
The End is Near!!!
It's been a busy week.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
A couple more...
Friday, November 27, 2009
I swear it! I have sewn the label down

I finished Pick & Choose last night, when I put the final stitches into the label. It was guild night, and I wanted to make sure I had SOMETHING for show & tell. I stayed up way past my bedtime and sewed it down, but I took the photo BEFORE leaving for our guild meeting.
Say...what do you think of the label? I cut that table cloth up that I posted a few posts back, and used the embroidered image of a squirrel as my label. I am rather pleased with the outcome!
I wonder what I will do with my new quilt...
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
New Book, New Podcast

The premise of friendship between two contrasting females, their bond surviving personal crises and long distances, may bring to mind such 80s tearjerkers as Beaches, but this is an altogether subtler beast, eschewing mawkish sentiment. As with her story collections, the emphasis here is on the strength of the writing rather than sensational plot twists and turns. Thomas’ deceptively quiet tone and understated wit effects an unexpectedly moving and insightful tale.
I discovered a new quilt blog the other day: The Quilted Cupcake. There's eighteen episodes on iTunes right now, and I've listened to three of them so far and I've really enjoyed Jean's company!
Tomorrow is guild night - - and I've actually got a FINISH to share! I finished binding Pick & Choose. I'll get a photo up ASAP.
Monday, November 23, 2009
A Block!!!

Sunday, November 22, 2009
Car Shopping
Hubby really wanted me to get heated seats, but while I like the idea of a warm buns, particularly on cold Canadian mornings, the cost of such a luxury doesn't make sense to me - - you can't just add heated seats, you have to take a "package" which includes a bunch of nonsense that I really DON'T need, or want.
ME: You don't want heated seats; they'll just give you sweaty balls.
SALESMAN: The upholstery is stain and odour resistant.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Saturday, November 14, 2009
BQF demands kitty pictures!

Here are some quilting books I've recently picked up at various thrift stores over the last couple of months.

Alright Gail, here's your kitty photos:

I packed up my school stuff, and headed to the library bright and early this morning and got through a good chunk of work. I sense a dim glimmer at the end of the this tunnel.
I'm currently reading "The Short Life and Long Times of Mrs. Beeton"

Thursday, November 12, 2009
Itty Bitty Goes to Uni
I was a giggly fool all day, 'cuz I had PLANS with Itty Bitty. See, Itty Bitty has an interest in Law (from a purely social justice framework of course, otherwise I'd have to drown him) and there just happened to be two fantastic lectures on Main campus this evening that we attended.
The first one was the presentation of a paper by Pamela Cross--a feminist lawyer--called "The Vengeful C**t Asked for It: Constructions of Women as Evil in Our Analysis of Rape ". One of the audience members mentioned this little gem that has been making the rounds of feminist philosophy depts:
A lot has been said about how to prevent rape. Women should learn self-defense. Women should lock themselves in their houses after dark. Women shouldn’t wear short skirts. Women shouldn’t leave drinks unattended. Perhaps they shouldn’t dare to get drunk at all. Instead of further curtailing women’s freedom, how about:
If a woman is drunk, don’t rape her.
If a woman is not yet a woman, but a child, don’t rape her.
If your “friend” tells you he raped someone, report him to the police.
Tell your sons, god-sons, nephews, grandsons, sons of friends it’s not okay to rape someone.
Don’t tell your women friends how to be safe and avoid rape.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Has it been a week???
I have nothing quilty to share - - I have been writing essays. I have two to hand in this week, one the week after, and for the week of the 23rd? Two class presentations and a taped interview, transcript, and analysis. December...bah...just six essays within the first ten days of the month.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Homework Break!

Because I've been such a bad girl, I'm sitting on my bed surrounded by textbooks, and one small cat. No sewing for me this week!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
....took the weekend off
I'm going to add another wider, pieced border to it.
And I finished all the courthouse steps blocks for this:
The pattern called for 45 courthouse blocks, and now I have to sew the star blocks. 44 to go!
And then I sewed the binding down on this:
It still needs the binding to be handstitched to the back, but it's a step closer to being done.
Okay - I guess I could get a bit of reading done now.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
I just had to sew a few seams....
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Miss me???
It's going to be a few more weeks before I begin to see a glimmer at the end of the tunnel too. Next week I have two exams, a presentation to give, and an essay outline to hand in - - oh yeah, and the regular couple hundred pages of reading to do.
EVERY body at school is sick. There's a real icky flu thing running rampant. So far, I'm infection free...I have me some kick ass kinda immunity!!!..but even the profs have been sick.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Itty Bitty News
I took him to a lecture this morning, which was two hours of H-E-double hockey sticks!! sooooo boring......... ugh!
I introduced him all around, and I'm sure he'll not forget the experience soon.
So here's some recent conversations with Itty Bitty...
(Scene: me, waking up from a 2 hour nap)
ITTY BITTY: Wow, that was some kind of nap you had
ME: Yeah, cool eh? Hey, how come you never nap? Naps seriously RAWK!!!!!
ITTY BITTY: Carpe diem, mom. Sieze the day.
(scene: in the car, me singing along to Lynyrd Skynyrd at the top of my lungs)
ME: Now they call you Prince Charming!!! can't speak a word when you're full of 'ludes!!! ...huh, you don't even know what 'ludes are, do you?
ITTY BITTY: Quaaludes.
ME: Excuse me? I think I just told you that YOU DON'T KNOW!!!!!
ITTY BITTY: Fine....what's a lude, mom?
ME: (singing again) Ooooh that smell !!! Can't you smell that smell??? Ooooh that smell!!! The smell of death surrounds you!!!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Have I mentioned how much I LOVE my BSW cohorts???