Black & White has been in a box since March 2010 – It’s currently 70”
square, too big for a lap quilt, and too small for a bed quilt. I really enjoyed working on this. When I opened the box, I realized there is
about $100 of brand new fabrics – black on white, and white on black – so I
have plenty. I think I’d like to add another
narrow black border, and continue to add borders until it’s a decent queen
sized quilt. Do – some designing, some
piecing, then sandwich, quilt, and bind.
Lots of work to do here!
Bookmarks I have 21 of them completed, and 10 to finish
These should be pretty quick. But what to do with them? I’ve been carrying these around December
2009! There is a community literacy
centre, where one of my colleagues does public legal education
presentations. I’ll send these with her
for the clients at this agency
Plaid Obsession I have been obsessed with this quilt ever since I first saw
it in the header of JulieKQuilts. I have been collecting plaids for a number of
years now, I have a box of strings, I’ve copied the pattern from Evelyn Sloppy’s
book which I borrowed from the library, and I plan to paper piece the
Technically, I would have to say that this is not a UFO, but
more on the side of PIG. But I declare,
it counts.
I stole the photo above from Mary at Hill Country Quilter (with her kind permission, of course). I love it.
I want to do one with lots of reds in it. I’d like to do a second one with all pastel
coloured plaids too. Loooove the idea of
all that mindless sewing!
Shirt Stripe Boxes I started this quilt – the 2nd time making this
quilt, having finished the first in April 2010 – in November 2011. This one
will be 50% bigger than the first quilt. The blocks are done, and I’ve pieced
one of six strips. So – finish piecing,
piece the back, sandwich, quilt, bind.
Here’s a photo of my first Shirt Strip boxes.
Oh! My Stars! I don’t remember when I started this – a couple of years ago
anyway. This looks like it could be a
good “leader & ender” project to get the blocks and flying geese
pieced. I have 10 blocks done, of 64,
and 0 of 184 Flying Geese units. I will
use recycled shirts for this, plaids and shirtings. I’ve got a pale purple on white shirting that
would be a great fit for this! The
pattern was in Quilter’s Newsletter Magazine, Jan/Feb 1998. This is a long term project.

Bunny Hill Basket of the Month This was a free BOM from Bunny Hill Designs. You can buy the pattern now. It started in January 2009, but I only completed 4
blocks. I did have the foresight to
print off all the patterns, and even printed the templates onto freezer paper! Some pretty relaxing handwork here. I think I got rid of all of my embroidery
floss when we moved - - so I will have to make some purchases here to finish it
off. Finish the blocks, design a layout,
piece, sandwich, and quilt - - I might even want to hand quilt it! and bind.
Simply Christmas Again – not started – it’s a PIG. But the pattern was probably $20, the Layer
Cake I bought to piece it was $42, and the Misty Fuse was $12. That’s a pretty big investment to sit on a
shelf. Yes, we don’t “do” Christmas –
but it could be a nice gift for someone, or maybe a silent auction item for
some good cause. Appliqué, piece,
sandwich, quilt, bind.
Christmas Lights – a Quiltville Mystery The blocks are completed.
However, I don’t have the pattern to finish this – ugh! I’ll look at the library and see if they have
the Sept/Oct, and Nov/Dec ’09 issues of Quiltmaker Magazine!
I started this in June of 2009. I don’t have any Christmas print fabrics in
my stash, but I’m sure I can find something to finish it off.
Colonial Ladies I have six blocks done, and another six to go. The pieces are vintage that I bought at a
thrift store a number of years ago. I
don’t know if this is going on the UFO list - - I currently have no desire to
work on this at all. I’m not ready to
get rid of them though, so they are in the keeper pile.
Cottage Basket Table Runner Appliqué, sandwich, quilt, bind. I bought this as a kit at a quilt show in
April 2010. The pattern came from this
Baltimore Folk Fusion I increased the pattern by 200%, and started making these
blocks with reproductions CWs. I have
four blocks done. Appliqué, piece, sandwich, quilt, bind. Not sure where my pattern book is
though! I’m sure I’m going to find it as
I go through the stash.
Grandmother’s Flower Garden I’ve been working on this since May of 2012. I now have 101 blocks finished. I have a couple more to piece, as you can see
- - but I don’t know what I’m going to do to finish the quilt. I know hexies are HUGE right now. I’m sure I’ll find some inspiration on the
world wide web. By the way – the best hexie tutorial ever? Right here
Sylvia’s Bridal Sampler I started this in September 2007 when this was a BOW
project. The pattern has now been
published in a book - - which I have seen in the public library. I have 68 of the 140 blocks done. I don’t intend to do all of the blocks at
this point. But perhaps I will have to
piece a few more blocks to have enough to piece together a decent sized
quilt. Maybe another 4? Or 12?
I’ll have to design a block setting, piece it, sandwich, quilt, and
bind. I’ll check out the book for some
design inspiration.
The quilt represents the quilt that was created in Jennifer
Chiaverini’s Elm Creek Quilters novel “The Master Quilter”. I’ve read all but one of Jennifer’s books –
and I’m excited to see a new one is coming out next month! “Mrs. Lincoln’s Dressmaker”
Siggie Swap Blocks I don’t know how many I have here - - probably 100? These siggies are based on the Dear Jane D-13Field of Dreams block. I need to trim these
up to size, design some sort of setting, piece, sandwich, quilt, and bind. After I do a count, I’ll see if I need to
swap any more.
Dear Jane We all know this quilt. Check out the pinterest board. I have 150 of the 225 blocks – I think it`s 225! Most of the squares are done – it`s the kites
and tris that are lagging. This is a
long term project. I will need to find
the software – I don`t have the computer that I had software installed on. I have lots of pink and grey CW repros. I am thinking that the best way to finish this
is to challenge myself to a block a week.
Hmmm...I`ll have to find my DJ rulers too!
Buttons & Bows I started this in Feb `09.
I have a bit more of the embroidery done than is shown in the
photo. So – embroidery, embellishment,
piece, sandwich, quilt, bind. It`s not
terribly large, but would make a very big wall hanging. Some fun handwork to do here. It comes from a
back issue of an Australian quilting magazine.
Cross Stitch pillows I bought two pieces of cross stitch on linen at yard sales
in `09. I would like to piece some
pillows with them, and I have a box of Thimbleberries type fabrics that I`ve
set aside to do this, and should be a nice fit with the colours in the
stitchery, but that`s about as far as I`ve gotten. Design, piece, maybe quilt, and finish.
Desired Quilt I started this quilt in Dec '09. The pattern came from Piece & Quilt. I have to finish the appliqué blanket stitch around the pieces, sandwich, quilt, and bind.
Kimono Quilt I started this quilt in Aug '10 and have 30 blocks done, and a pretty good idea of how I want to set them. So, I have to trim them up, piece the top, sandwich, quilt and bind. The pattern was a free download from HERE
Aunt Lizzie`s Scrap Bag - this is a fairly current UFO. In fact it is still spread all over my ironing board and sewing table. I've got more than half of the blocks done, but there is plenty of piecing left to do.