Wednesday, June 12, 2013

I made a thing!

I've had this project, with a great tutorial pinned on my Pinterest board for some time, and been on the look-out for an inexpensive table so I could have one just like it!  

On Saturday, Hubby and I went out to Shedden, ON for "Rosy Rhubarb Days"--an annual event we look forward to--and I announced before we embarked on the village-wide yard sales: "All I'm looking for is a foldy tabley thingy, and a Stevie Wonder CD."  (I have very specific desires).

Well, no CD, but I did find a table for $3.  I had some old polished cotton in my stash, scraps of quilt batting (I bought a chunk at a yard sale the same day for a dime!) and between the three of us - - Hubby, Itty Bitty, and me - - we successfully created a small pressing table!


  1. Very nice and the price was great too. I am sure you will get many years of use out of it. Great job!
