Thursday, July 15, 2010

It's been three weeks...

...since I started my weight loss plan, and I'm at a 9.6lb loss today.  Having said that...don't you hate weight loss blogs?  They start off really good, and then you realize...hmmm...this person hasn't posted for awhile... and then you realize they have fallen off the wagon.  I promise not to let this turn into a blog all about weight loss!!!  Just a comment on my Simple Abundance Project. 

Last night I went to yoga class again - and I think I'm falling in love!  We did a lot of hip joint work last night, and I was much less nervous, and got a little thrill when I could sink deeper into each pose with each breath.  So cool!  Early this morning, before it got very warm, I popped on my iPod, and went for a walk along the old L&PS tracks. It's a very pleasant walk, because it's level ground (to accomodate the trains that used to run along these tracks) it's shady, with lots of wildflowers, birds, and butterflies.

I didn't think I'd get ANY hexagon flowers done this week, because I was working on the binding of Lucky Stars, but I stitched three together yesterday during the drive Hubby and I took to Port Huron.

We went to price out flooring.  I want to take all the carpeting out of the house, and slowly replace it, room-by-room with bamboo hardwood.  I was surprised to find it was much more expensive in the US, even considering HST.

While we were there, I simply HAD to make use of my 40% off coupon at Mary Maxim's.  Hubby helped me pick out fabric for the School of Rock quilt.  With any luck, I'll get it sandwiched in the next week, and try my hand at machine quilting it myself. 


  1. Oh my. I've never heard of Mary Maxim's. It looks like a great store. I think I might just have to take a ride to Port Huron one day soon.

  2. Such COOL flowers for this hot, hot summer we are having!!

  3. These are really sunny flowers!

  4. Lovely Flowers....and the fabric is great.....

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Your flowers are lovely. I was looking back at your posts and I LOVE the bread box idea. I may have to pull out mine and redo it! Thanks for sharing!
