(My appologies to anyone with dial-up, because tonight's entry is photo-laden!)
Hubby and I went for a Sunday drive today and ended up in Grand Bend at the Lambton Heritage Museum to take in their special exhibit: Between the Stitches: Lambton Quilts & Quilters, and the 20th Anniversary North Lambton Quilters Guild Show.
I've been to this museum several times, and it's "very well done", and always has been, in my memory. The main part of the museum houses collections of items from the early history of Lambton County settlement. Outside, several old homes and public buildings have been relocated to this property, restored and protected.
Here are a few photos of the quilts in the museum's collection:

I got a close up of this block, because I liked the horseshoes in the background print. Here's the whole quilt:

Hubby was very interested in the quilts, and if we got separated, he'd come and get me and take me over to a display if he had a question about how Crazy Quilts are contructed, or what exactly "Bishop's Fan" quilting was, or how signature quilts were used in fundraising. That's the great thing about Hubby - - he loves to learn about things, and is interested in EVERYTHING!

I admired this pillow - the blades of the fan were constructed from prize ribbons awarded in school contests - presumably academic and athletic prizes.

I've seen many "signature quilts" before, and there was many examples in this exhibit, but this one is very unusual. First, the names are cross-stitched on the quilt, not stem stitched, and there are four colours, not merely white with embroidery, or bi-coloured. According to the information printed on the card next to the quilt, it could be fairly accurately dated to circa 1877, because a couple of the people named in the quilt died in a diptheria outbreak in 1878. Take a close look at the full picture of this quilt - it's breathtaking.

This quilt is constructed of flannel printed with national flags collected from cigar boxes in the early 20th c.

This quilt reminds me of MY antique log cabin quilt, except mine is in a barn raising configuration

This is one of the loveliest crazy quilts I've ever seen. Not precisely "crazy" since it is regularly patterned, but the embroidery is gorgeous, the figured fabrics are in pristine condition, and the wide lace trim is beautiful.

Now...onto the SHOW!

On the advice of quilty friend Wendy, I've been reading "The Selected Journals of L. M. Montgomery". Some of the things we saw reminded me of the first volume's journal entries: the school house, the Presbyterian church. 

I even found a "Pansy Book" among the bookshelves in the Presbyterian Church. 
On our way home, I asked if we could stop at the scenic lookout at the Parkhill dam and reservoir. I've driven by it dozens of times over the years, but never stopped before. I imagine it's quite lovely in every season.